
Helping even the smallest businesses find their footing.

We have the tools and templates to make your dream succeed on its own terms.
From side gigs to start-ups, Margo makes marketing simple.


What's the one answer to every marketing question?
"It depends."

Unfortunately that's not very helpful when you're launching and figuring out growth for your company.

The ability to reach, connect, convert, and keep customers is foundational to your success and profitability. But the steps that will get you there will vary from company to company depending on your product, vision, and unique perspective.

Marketing is an experiment that most founders don't have experience running. Margo launched our marketing operating system, or OS, to help every founder and small business owner get the support they need to bring their vision to life.

Grow on your terms

Hockey stick growth and last-minute injections of capital may be the norm in Silicon Valley, but most businesses don't operate like that. Your marketing strategy should reflect the realities of how you run your business - and must balance sustainability and cash flow as you grow.

We aren't a venture backed company. Margo is bootstrapped and our growth is funded through revenue/cash flow. We understand how crippling the pinch can be when everything isn't flowing smoothly and that you can't just throw money at problems — creative problem solving helps keep the lights on.


have less than 5 FTEs


started their business after 2018


are a first-time founder


are women or people of color

Margo in the media

Creating the path you want to take

May 22, 2022| Listen

Meet the startups from PIE Demo Day

July 6, 2021 | Read more

Winner: Best in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

June 29, 2021 | Read more

Meet our founder

Paige Hewlett, Founder

Paige is a marketing leader, entrepreneur, start-up advisor, university professor and has more than a decade of marketing and growth experience. Paige anticipated embarking on a sabbatical to Portugal in 2020, when COVID threw a wrench in her plans. Instead, she got to work — on a vision she had for Margo.

She continues to be a mentor and advisor for businesses and incubators and occasionally serves as an adjunct professor. Paige earned an undergraduate degree in international business from Texas A&M University, as well as masters degrees in marketing and international economics.

She lives in Portland, Oregon with her two kids and crazy labradoodle, Rosie. One of the things she’s most looking forward to is actually taking that trip to Portugal one day.

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